Training for Educators and Guidance Professionals

This Training Programme has been designed exclusively for educators and career guidance professionals, and comprises three modules aimed at providing practitioners with updated tools and techniques to enhance their roles in adult education and career guidance.


This Programme ensures that all adult educators are adept in working within alternative, less formal educational programmes. Participants will not only become comfortable with new pedagogic resources but will also be suitably trained to deliver micro-learning activities in a blended learning context.

Module 1 - Introduction to Micro-Learning Theory:
This module introduces the fundamentals of micro-learning theory and how micro-learning techniques can be integrated into adult education provision. This module provides a solid foundation for understanding the principles that drive effective micro-learning.
Module 2 - Developing Micro-Learning Resources for Young Adults:
Developing Micro-Learning Resources for Young Adults: Empower yourself to create impactful digital micro-learning resources tailored for young adults. This module guides adult educators in developing their own resources, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment that resonates with the unique needs of today's young adults.
Module 3
Introduction to Career Management Skills: Explore the Scottish Career Management Skills (CMS) Framework and gain insights into emerging needs among young adults related to career management. Learn how to effectively engage these individuals through online and social channels, ensuring that your guidance aligns with their evolving career aspirations.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
