Use this tool to start planning your career today!

This Career Model Canvas has been developed to support young adults to consider and plan their own career pathway in the post-pandemic economy.

This template has been prepared to follow and, in some places, mirror the structure of the Business Model Canvas (Strategyzer, 2020).

This Career Model Canvas is made available for partner use as part of the Career Compass project, and is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY- NC-SA 3.0) licence:

The Career Model Canvas has been benchmarked to the Scottish Framework for Career Management (

Career Model Canvas

The Career Model Canvas has been developed to match the four quadrants of the Career Management Skills Matrix:

  • Self – Achieving a clear understanding of who you are, what is important to you and how you fit into the world around you
  • Strengths – Developing an understanding of what you’re good at and how you can use your strengths
  • Horizons – Learning to visualise, plan and achieve career aspirations throughout your entire working life
  • Networks – Understanding the importance of work and social relationships in building your career.

Create your own Career Model Canvas

Career or Job Title:

Key Partners (Networks)


Include an overview of networks in your region, nationally and across Europe where you can access advice on this potential career.

Key Attributes (Self)


List here the key personal attributes that you have, that are particularly useful for your new career. Describe who you are and what you can bring to this role.

Key Values (Self)


List here what is important to you in a career, and in life. List your intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and state what your personal goals are for this new career.

Value Proposition



List your key strengths, highlighting the skills and experiences that you can bring to this new career. Try to answer the question: ‘What sets me apart from other candidates in this role?’

Soft Skills (Strengths)


List here the soft skills (communication, teamwork, collaboration, etc.) that you have and identify how they can be used in this new career.

Transferrable Skills (Strengths)


List here the main transferrable skills that you have from other experiences and life roles. Include an example of how these skills can be applied in your new career.

Revenue (Horizons)

Research and summarise the salary potential of this role and estimate the opportunities for advancement in this sector for your own career

Growth Potential (Horizons)

Research and estimate the potential growth in this sector in your country, across Europe and globally.

Please use the following WebQuest activity to support you to complete this Career Model Canvas:


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
